dedicated to the advancement of the Trompe in the USA
Announcing Labor Day Weekend Workshop for TROMPE

August 31 and September 1, 2013

Please join us for a full weekend of trompe.  Guest Sonneurs will include members of the Group Rallye Trompes de l'Hertogenwald

Michaela Prell
Michaela Prell is a member of the FITF and a member of the group Rallye Trompes de l'Hertogenwald in Belgium.   She has toured USA with her trompe and returns to Chautauqua to teach this coming Labor Day Weekend. 
Micha, is proof, that FITF is truly an international organization: She is German, playing a French instrument, while living in Belgium.  
Yves Dugard
Yves Dugard specializes in Radoux playing and is also a member of the group Rallye Trompes de l'Hertogenwald.  If the venerie sound is the muscle and brawn of playing then sound of  radouci is the heart and soul of the trompe.  Yves is Belgium and this will be his first trip to Chautauqua.  His soft and heart felt playing will balance the weekend's fanfares and give insight into a dimension of a sound  yet to  be explored in this USA.